The Intells is an animated series that teaches the real business of music through storytelling. Each episode breaks industry topics down into fun, easy to understand segments and can be watched individually or as part of our course content.
Featured Testimonial
“For anyone wanting to get into the music industry, the Creative Intell Academy courses are the best to take. If you’re an artist, writer, producer or manager, this will change the game and the way you operate.”
Austin Rosen
A Song is Born
The Quest
Cristaal and Cairo are seeking fame and fortune in the music game. But first, they’ll need to take on the big, nasty, often confusing, music business.
Sky’s the Limit
They know their new recording, Song Child, has all the makings of a hit. But its future will largely depend upon Crystaal and Cairo’s ability to navigate the treacherous waters of the music business.
Industry Baby
Except sharks lurk in these waters too. And if Cristaal and Cairo don’t learn to defend themselves and their musical baby, Song Child, soon, they might just get eaten alive.
A Tribe Called Klein
But our heroes aren’t entirely defenceless. They’re smart, streetwise kids, and with veteran rock star Dorkaay Qwest and his big shot music lawyer, Karen Klein, in their corner, they have two pros willing to help them out.
Teach me Baby One More Time
They know the odds are against them. But if Cristaal and Cairo can finally get the music business working for them, instead of against them, they might just realize their dream.
We Don’t Need No An Education
The Intells demystifies the business of music with a playful, comedic approach that's as entertaining as it is educational.
Who are The Intells?
Start Watching Now
What are you waiting for? Check out the trailer for The Intells right now, then apply for Creative Intell Academy and watch the series.
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